How to learn to be fun

 How to learn to be fun

Learning sometimes feel boring , or feels troublesome ...
Maybe some of us have felt it , maybe you...

Well ... for my friends who never tasted it , I will share about
how to make learning interesting and fun .

Time is the key factor .

       Choose a time that you like , such as in the morning , or before go bed ... because based on research , our brains will more quickly capture the information , when morning ... because the level of focus we have is in good condition , and the passage of time , the level of our focus will be on the wane ...

       And the time before bed , is also a good time to learn too .because our brains are beta waves , which makes the information more sticky, to be received by the brain ... but , if the more soluble it will make the power of our concentration decreased.

Create an atmosphere as comfortable .

A conducive atmosphere , will bring us to linger at learning . You can choose to study in a place that you like , such as the library... Or the garden , which may increase your passion for learning .

Interspersed with breaks .

Learning like work . We also need energy for that .Suppose , you lift the stone in your hands, then lift your hand and place it in front of you ... hold your hands ..

What do you feel?
Tired , pain , and stiffness is not it ... ?
Well, if it was done to linger , it might cause pain in the arms. But, if you do , punctuated by breaks , you may be able to lift the rock percentage longer ...

Such is learning , you 'll get the subject matter if it is punctuated by rest , because the brain needs a refresh ... Do not force ,,, if you force the material be wasted ... right

Learning method by yourself .

Everyone must have their own learning methods , for example by saying the material studied so louder , or learn while standing ... Do the things that make your learning becomes fun, and do and do not be afraid ... because the material will be more quickly absorbed if learning has become an interesting thing ...

Make a note to be interesting

Our brain will more quickly grasp the lesson if it is shaped picture or something interesting . And we can make our learning becomes interesting , such as :
Make special note that the material is shaped image ... add interesting colors , ...And may also be able to while listening to classical music ,,, Due to the above matters is how the brain works right , which has properties .. do with Long term memory method and feel the joy ...

Well ,,, ways that increase the excitement of learning , so that the value and the result is satisfying to do with all your heart , and loved the lesson ... that... :-)
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February 14, 2016 at 1:25 AM ×

Nice information, so now i know what will i do for make study to be fun :D

February 14, 2016 at 1:25 AM ×

Nice information, so now i know what will i do for make study to be fun :D

February 16, 2016 at 3:54 PM ×

Yes, you can do it and be yourself better :-)
