Management Lessons 4

Management Lesson 4:

- Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
- Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
- And when you're in deep shit, keep our mouth shut!

Well ... this is also included in the story will inspire yourself to become a better and more positive in this life.

The story begins, from a bird, let alone ostrich.

Whether ostrich can fly?

Why not, in this story of an ostrich can fly, because this bird is born with the disorder, which is not like the long wings more friends. He has learned to fly since the days of school.

Management Lessons 4, gives conditions on us, how should we act, and addressing the challenges.

The spring ostrich fly high. And passing through the area that is experiencing the winter, due to strong winds, the ostrich is not able to balance the body and eventually fell. He fell into a pile of ice and trapped so deep that leaves his neck out.

"Oh god, why is this happening to me" said the ostrich was with exasperation.

he could say there, because all the ice make his body turned blue and stiff, perhaps if too long. he would die of cold.

After some time, ostriches are feeling desperate, but he was surprised when something soft and slightly and warm on his head. Apparently after observed, it turns out s**t buffalo who happened to be passing.

"Damn, why did this happen to me, whyyyy !!" shouted ostrich increasingly annoyed.

after falling and trapped in the ice, now he is sentenced by s**t of  buffalo. It is a double misfortune for him.

But what he felt? he felt the warmth, and delicious. Because its sh**t, it can survive longer. The ostrich was grateful for their object in its head, because otherwise there might he have been dead by now.

The only warmth he felt for a moment, and he felt nothing found. Because he felt something digging and tried to lift ..

But what happened? menolongya turned out that it was a wolf, and because the ostrich can not do anything. She eventually became the wolf meal.

what lessons can  we have lessons from this story?

As didisampaikan in the first sentence, is not all that bad is bad. as in s**t buffalo. And because s**t buffalo that these birds can survive.

And not all will help make you happy, it turned out that help is the wolf.

So, learn your life ... take advantage of any situation, both bad and good of an event. Take lessons that will always make yourself more mature .. and make yourself useful for others ..

Before : Management lessons 3
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