Recipes Stress Buster part II

 Recipes Stress Buster part II

In this article, I will discuss about recipes stress buster for the second episode ...Come on read...


Actual budget set yourself on things that are certain. of them that we can manage expenditure and income, which in turn will lead to chaos in your schedule ... set your budget, could be the beginning of the day, or the beginning of the week. if you live with irregular, then when the end you will have trouble, which will lead to stress.


When certain things / objects that you need not be near you. for example, when your house is empty, and you do not carry a spare key. then it can be too late to make your mind ... or time to go driving, you do not bring your gear when the car broke down.from this, we diajarka value of readiness and alertness. something that would be better prepared and better organized.


proverb says "your mouth is your tiger ". of these expressions, can be taken a meaning, a portrait of the importance of maintaining a waffle ... stress symptoms may occur because of a waffle. for example if you say bad on others, and it is damaging your relationship. then the event will occur to you and make stress appearing. so watch your mouth ...


Sports is one activity that can supply oxygen to our brain. and make the body become more fresh and fit. do sufficient exercise for a better life.



nutrients needed for someone to perform the activity. Do not let your stomach is empty, because it can make all the worse before us. eat right in order yagn nutrients contained in the food can be absorbed well.



who would not want a neat atmosphere, all well-ordered books, luggage in place. if everything is in order. we will be more excited to do our job well. and a cozy atmosphere that can make your heart calm and avoid stress.


some music can improve concentration and a person's mood. If you're experiencing a problem try to listen to the music spirit. do not listen to music that is sad, because it can make your mood more chaotic.


the idea is a form of ideas. maybe you have an idea. then write it down, because by expressing ideas, we can minimize the stress on ourselves 



Like introspective. do not make your solitude moment to remember past events. let it, and make yourself better, with introspection.



Problems can come suddenly, and make us become stressed. But we can make the problem becomes lighter. namely by praying than the problem comes, do not wait bedtime, immediately pray, seek guidance and assistance of the Almighty, so that problems befall us towards justice being shown the way out
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