Child and Apple Tree


Today I have read an interesting story, the theme in the form of a sense of kinship. And in this story really gives us all the insight and new energy, in the face of all the challenges that we are facing.

Right .. now let's imagine for a moment.  

Once upon a time, there was a huge apple tree and shade. There, a boy often played around the tree, climbing, eating the apple, to sleep in the shade. He so loved the tree, as well as the apple tree.  

Time passed ... The child continues to grow older, and he is no longer playing with the tree. And at some time, the boy came to the tree with a sad face.
"Let's play together again," said the apple tree


"I'm not a child anymore, I do not play around under the tree again" the boy said. "I want to have a toy, and I do not have the money to afford it"

"Sorry, I do not have money, but I have fruit, and you can sell it to earn money" tree said The boy was happy, and he pluck all the pieces are there, then sell ..

After that time, the child does not come back again, and the apple tree was sad. After some time, the child came again to see an apple tree with a feeling of joy.

"Let's play together again," said the apple tree"I do not have the time, now I have a family, and I have to work to support them. And now we need house for our shelter, can you help me?" the boy said


"Sorry, I do not have a home. But, you can cut off my branches to build a house"

The boy was happy. then cut all the branches. The apple tree was happy because it can help. However, after the child has not been returned and the tree was sad and lonely back.

In summer, the child come again, and the tree felt very happy.

"Come here ... come play with me!" the tree said with excitement.

"I'm sad, I am getting older. And I wanted to sail to enjoy my day. Can you give me a boat?" the boy said.

"Sorry, I do not have a boat, but you could use my trunk to make a boat. You can sail away and enjoy your happy days ..." replied the tree.

Then the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and long back. Finally, after so many years passed, the child back.

"Son, I'm sorry, I did not have anything more for you now. No more apples for you ..." the tree said.

"I've not had more teeth to bite" the boy said."I do not have a trunk to climb""I'm so old to climb""I do not have anything else, except my roots that now dying" tree said sadly."I now do not need anything again, I just needed a place to rest. I felt tired after going through those years" the boy said with a gloomy face"Well in that case. The roots of old trees is the best place to rest. Come here ... with me, break!" the tree saidThe boy sat down. and the tree smiling, happy tears.

What lesson can we take from the story above?The tree can be interpreted as, our parents ...when we were kids, we used to play with them. and further growth in us, then we become increasingly rare visit them. And poor us, we only ask for what we need just went away.But, how sad our parents, because of our attitude. our parents will never get back, they will still give what they can to help and keep smiling.Well ... for us all, take the time we make our parents,often chatting with them ...
leave your job for a while, no matter how busy you. because they are not always to be on your side ..

(Author Unknown) 

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