Duo Google

Duo Google

you can search for information on "how to brush your teeth" on the internet?then, the search engines do you use?of this, I can feel, that some of you use google search engine, right?


Google is one of the multinational companies in the United States, working in terms of internet products and services. Google is headquartered in the Googleplex, Mountain View, California. and memeliki worldwide access. this is what makes Google the giant companies that can easily be seen from the general public ...

Google formation of this trip is a long journey. where on September 4, 1998, two great people who are known as the original founder of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin started the business in the area ... Menlo Park, Califonia.

Now I will discuss, these two inspirational figures who have made a name Google into something big ...



here it is..



Or the full name of Edward Lawrance Page, he was born in Lansing, Michigan, on March 26, 1973. Larry Page is a person who grew up in a family that supports his expertise later, ie on the computer. Where his father, Carl Vincent Page, who is a professor in the computer science field. And his mother, Gloria Page, which is a programming teacher at the University of Michigan. Larry Page as an heir to the intelligence of the parents  ...


Larry does have a lot of knowledge about computers, especially when he enrolled at Stanford University, which is the early emergence of a masterpiece "Google

He was not alone, his success is also the success of his friend namely Sergey Brin. Walaupunn at the time of the initial meeting them feel less fit with each other. But, what makes them become familiar friends, is because of their suitability and kertarikan to search engines. their greatness is marked with an essay entitled "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale hypertextual Web Search Engine" ... that would be something amazing.




Sergey Mikhailovich Brin, Larry Page companions who was born in Moscow, Soviet Union on August 21, 1973, and eventually moved to the United States when Brin was 6 years. 

Just as Page, Brin's parents also have a major influence on the growth and development of technology within her soul. His father, Mikhail Brin and his mother Evgenia Brin equally mathematician graduate of Moscow State University.


Brin prior to Stanford, he went to the University of Maryland, where at this time, his father taught and make her into someone who is most interested in mathematics. which is a basic knowledge of computers.After she received a Bachelor of Science, in 1993 he to Stanford University. where a place that would change her life and Larry Page himself .. 

That's a brief biography of the Duo Google . that here we will take an important lesson from them ... ie:


To become a great and successful, you must have two things: 

The first: You can become a great and successful, if you were born with a unique talent.
Second: You can become a great and successful, if all your life, you are honing your abilities and interests. 
Page and Brin in the story, they are born and educated with expertise and interest in the same, namely computer. but if one of them did not hone their skills on the computer, then there will not be a big name "Google". but what makes it all work? 

namely the spirit of change, the spirit of reform, it is not enough to rely on the capabilities provided by the parents as a child, but we have to generate the desire and attitude to something that will make us successful ...

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