the deaf frogs


          In a paddy field there is a horde of frogs who were playing, suddenly two of these frogs fell into a hole and could not get out. The other frogs said .. "you'll never get out of this hole, this hole too deep". one frog to stop climbing and eventually die. But, not for the other frogs, it was still trying to climb on and on, even though the other frogs said, "have given up on it", "You will not be able", until the frog is able to get out of the hole. 

          After the above, all the frogs become don't believe to the frog. and it is know that the frog was deaf. And because the disease deafness he had not heard a negative word from its friends, and continue to climb.


For friends everything. What lessons can we take from the story of the frog? Remember, 

What happens in the frog end? The frog can out of that hole. Because of what? maybe one of them due to illness he experienced deafness.

          Deep hole, a hole that plunges the frog was described as a severe problem, which makes us feel down. What often occur to us whilst under?
feels as if the world go away from us. for some people severe problems such as making their lives broken, they have failed. it is exactly what makes them increasingly heavy burden, since they imprison their minds and hearts. Be frogs kept trying, never give up, because an open mind and positive thinking is what will open the way for us.


           See so many people who are successful in this world, they always strive at all times. and the problem was always followed them. and that made them endure the problem is trust, and passion were always in them.

"Do all best for you, although the problem has always come up, but keep believing, you shall be."

           They say "you're not going to be", "have stopped it" .. the word is destructive words that will make big hole and make that plunges us deeper and deeper. those who say such things are always wanting you stay in the hole.

           Was changed, and change yourself getting better and better. With what? do not listen to them ... The deaf frog who can out of the hole because they do not listen to the words of other frogs, he just relied on him and believe in him.

         Like in our lives. if there are those who humble you, in fact they only want you fall and can not get up. and you can distinguish between criticism and ridicule. if criticism, they explained what false and then say things you do later, and make yourself more spirit ... but the scorn that they just say things that are negative and bad on you.

Criticism can make you strong, because criticism is constructive, and make you more and improve myself. "So listen criticism and don't accept ridicule.

"All humans are born with a remarkable thing in itself, given by the Almighty that sense, use a sense, the process of any words of others. and there are two paths you can choose.

The first: the result, you will listen to the words and to be getting worse ..

or both: listen and change an ugliness to be good and even getting better ...
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