Everyone has their own way to start the day. Every person must have its own way, to bring sustenance today.

How about you?

From the moment you open your eyes in the time you wake up, then went start the day, such as prayer, and others. what you often Prayer early morning?

" God Almighty, this morning I asked for sustenance unto which flows regularly and smoothly, so much I could do for myself, my family and my neighbor ..." Aamiin.


The word I get on one of the social media, and after I read it, felt like there was something warm in my chest. You know, if you believe 100% all the things done only to God Almighty. Then everything that you do it will be a blessing from him.

Ask, yes .. ask, only to God almighty you can ask anything. Including things that do not make sense. Because the Prayer typically you can grasp everything, and just surrender to the Lord you will be able to.

Sustenance at every person must have been set in accordance with the level of everyone. Do you ever complain about your current job. Give thanks anything and do from now the best.

Can you see early in the morning? and feel the joy of life that God has given you this morning?

Or, can you hear the mother's voice when it wake you up?

It was all a gift from the Almighty. The owner of the universe Kingdom.



Starting the day with a lovely, you can do it gratefully. Because with gratitude, you will feel a warm pleasure from it.

You are grateful to have woken up back. Because how many people who never woke up after her.

You grateful to still be able to see your parents in the morning. Because how many people are waking up with solitude.

You are grateful to have built can still see, hear, touch, feel, and grasping something. because how many people are waking up with not having one.

And many others...

How much sustenance which God has given us ? We can not count !

Rich almighty God give it useless to us.



Every second , Remember God Almighty . Always the one to pray in your heart . Because everything that happens to you comes from God .

Worship as recommended . Muslims to prayer five times a day , people are going to church Christians , Hindus to worship at the temple , Buddhist by going to the temple . Every religion definitely has its own way to worship. And a definitive, that we worship only one god , the Lord Almighty .



Start your day with a positive thing , a good thing . such as worship , helping mother cooking , or cleaning the yard , and many other positive things .

Plan your day from the beginning , and enjoy the journey ...
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