
    Do you know what is meant by the word "galau"? ... Galau is a term that is often referred to by the people in Indonesia, which means that their feelings are in a sad state, because of a problem ... and the problem is usually that often attack people who are troubled romance problems

do you ever feel the so-called galau?

maybe it was the feeling that is consuming our emotions and thoughts. because we spent a lot of energy to think about the person or thing that makes us upset.


for example in the case of common, namely romance:

Imagine, when you have someone woman / man in your hearts, which you liked him. when you see a woman / man you desire is run while revelers along male / female other ...

what do you feel?

of course that you feel is pain, but the pain that you feel can not be felt physically. but it can be felt ill feeling or mentally ...

in which case, many adolescents or other community, took a great effect on the problem, so they are often referred to as "galauer"...


they feel their life is over, and not a person in this world who care about them. if this happens to those who are vulnerable and too sad, it will result in something bad effect for themselves ... eg not eating, or difficulty sleeping and so forth ...

Well .. here I will give a simple motivation that can be drawn from the word troubled itself ..

                                             G which means GOD

                                            A meaningful ALWAYS

                                         L which means LISTENING

                                               A meaningful AND

                                        U meaning UNDERSTANDING


Why disclosed so?


we are all people who believe to Allah, god almighty one ... because GOD has many good name (Asmaul Husna). one of which is GOD who understand all of the aspects of our lives. and also the most understood what we needed and what we do not need.

With live based on an attitude of surrender and tried, then what we want will be realized.

believe in God, that only God almighty and omnipotent hear understand what we needed.

Eliminate your upset
, make this gesture as a guide, a sense of confusion when it comes ... I hope we can always be productive and increase our faith always .. amin.

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