Management lessons 3

Management Lesson 3: You do not need brains to be a boss, any A*s**le will do.

This story teaches you can not do your work alone, without anyone else. Everything in the world is going according to the natural law, and we as social creature should appreciate that the process includes being a leader, or in a management lesson this time. and this is the third management lessons that we can take.

Our bodies consist of organs such as the hands, feet, eyes, heart, and others. What we need apart from the organs mentioned earlier?
The answer is "Yes".

The story begins when a person is asleep, and we imagine that the limbs can talk.

"Uu .. seems pretty, I'm the most terrific here, because all comes to me, and if there is no me, then people would be crazy" brain said smugly.

Hearing this other organ parts into heat.

Management lessons 3 

"Walking is also an essential organ, because if you do not have legs, it will be difficult for you to walk any place," replied Legs.

then tanganpun not want to lose "I'm also including essential organ, because the premises Akilah you do a lot of activities. And if there is no me then you will be difficult to do something".

And because the talks, debate between the organs of the body. Such as the heart, stomach, shoulders and more.

But ditengan the debate, the sound coming from the rear of the body, is A*s**le, he said "I'm also an essential organ, because if there is no me then you can not remove the remnants of digestion".

Because of these answers, all the organs become laughing ..
"Hahaha ... What did you say? Are you important? Hahaha" replied the brain
"Oh .. okay, then you can live without me" replied A*s**le with exasperation. And since that time the A*s**le never speak again she prefers silence.

Management lessons 3 

After a 3 day pass, then feel that the person sick stomach, as long as he never went ketoilet. And akhirny brain becomes dizzy, feet and hands berkerigat, and all the organs become lethargic.

So what lesson?

We need them all, including the most low even for an executive boss must have needed a cleaning lavatories, or workers who just plumb newspaper. Due to the presence of their efforts then the company will run smoothly.

We are, if they are in the top position, never crumble subordinates. Due to the existence of their work we are relieved, and can not imagine if we had to mop the floor, receiving guests and everything.

So this third management lessons is you can not stand alone, and you certainly need others.

Before : Management Lessons 2
After : Management Lessons 4

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